Exercises are listed here in an abbreviated fashion so that a Leader planning a workout can quickly scan the list for ideas and groupings of exercises. All participants should try to be familiar with the exercises and familiar with the groupings so that the Leader can communicate quickly to keep the workout moving. If you're not familiar with an exercise, please search for an explanation of it on the internet before attending a workout or ask a buddy at the workout for instruction on proper form. If you don't know how to perform the exercise safely, do not use the suggested exercise and use a substitution. All Leaders and Participants should help each other by demonstrating proper form and take time to talk about proper form. Exercises should be done at your own pace to avoid injury.

Standard Exercises

  • Ab Exercises: Atomics, Criss-Cross, Crunches, Flutter Kicks, Half Sit-Ups, Leg Levers, Marvin Hagglers (aka Bicycle Crunch), Open/Close, Sit-ups

  • Back: Back Extensions, Superman, Lizard Stretch

  • Pull-ups: Regular Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups

  • Push-up Exercises: Regular Push-Up, Wide-Grip Push-Up,Tricep Push-Up

  • Upper Body Exercises: Australians, Bear Crawls, Crab Crawls, Dips

  • Leg Exercises: Broad Jump, Calf Raises, Jumping Jacks, Lunges, Squats, Star Jumps, Step-Ups

  • Combination Exercises: Royal Burpees (push-up with star jump)

Common Advanced Exercises

  • Ab Exercises: Plank, Russian Twist, Dead Bug, Hip Thruster, Jack Knives, Oblique Sit-Ups (ankle on knee), Side Benders, Alternating Knee Crunches

  • Oblique Exercises: Side Plank, Oblique Sit-Ups, Russian Twist, Bird Dog (table top position, lift opposite arm & leg, hold, switch), Hip-Up (side plank on elbow, raise hip up and down), Side Crunch (partner sit on feet), Side Benders, Jack Knives, Alternating Knee Crunches

  • Back: Back Extensions

  • Pull-ups: Palms Together Forward, Palms Together Reverse, Palms Wide Forward, Commando Grip

  • Push-up Exercises: Alligator Walk Push-Ups, Body Builder (8 count push-up & legs out), Broad Jump Push-Up, Clapping, Decline, Dive Bombers, 8 count push-ups, Incline, Spiderman, Wide Grip Push-Up, Triceps, Typewriter Push-Up (down position of push up, go side to side); Forward (on toes with slow count down); Raised Hands (raise hands once all the way down)

  • Upper Body Exercises: Australians (on parallel bar), Backward Bear Crawls, Backward Crab Crawl, Dips (at low wall), Sideways Bear Crawls, Hanging Knee Benders

  • Leg Exercises: Backwards Running, Broad Jump, Bunny Hop, Kick Butt, Calf Raises, Iron Mikes, Jumping Jacks, Lunges, one legged hops, one leg squats, pistol squats (at barre), Lunges, High-knee Skip, Squats, Star Jumps, Step-ups, Skaters

  • Lower leg exercises: Walk-on-outside-of-feet, Walk-on-inside-of-feet, Walk-on-tip-toes, Walk-on-heels

  • Combination exercises: 8-count body builder (8 count push-up & legs out), standing hagglers

  • Other Exercises: arm circles, back plank, chase the rabbits, side plank

Exercises By Alphabet

  • A: Around the worlds, Atomics, Alligator walk push ups, Arm circles, Australians, Archer push-ups (wide-grip push-up position but to one side), Alternating cross over lunge (step behind), Alternating knee sit-ups, Alternating knee crunches, Aqua man

  • B: Back extensions, Back plank, Bear plank, Bear plank shuffle (bear plank position, shuffling left, then right), Body builder (8 count push-up & legs out), royal Burpees (push up/star jump), Broad jump push up, Bear crawls, Backward bear crawls, Backward crab soccer, Backwards running, Backward lunge, Break dance, Broad jump, Box jump, Bunny hop, Butt kicks, Body-weight tricep extension (on dip bar, face down, tuck head under bar), Bulgarian split squat (toe on wall, drop knee), Backward lunge with front kick, Bird Dog (table top position, lift opposite arm & leg, hold, switch), Break dancer (push up position swinging legs side to side), Back bridge (shoulders on ground), glute Bridges (on back, one leg up with hip up), Bicycle crunch (aka Marvin Hagglers)

  • C: Chase the rabbits, Criss-cross, Crunches, Clapping push-ups, Crab soccer, Calf raises (toes-in, toes-out or straight), Carries (requires 4 or 5 people), arm Circles, Crucifix push up (stretched out in all directions on finger tips, hold or push-up), Cross over lunge (step across behind in lateral lunge); Cross body mountain climber (like chase the rabbit but bring foot to opposite hand); Clam lift (lie on side with hips straight & legs at 90 degrees up then lift bent leg); Clam shells (stand on one leg with other foot up with sole touching opposite knee then open/close bent leg)

  • D: Decline push-ups (one slope facing down-hill), Dive bomber push-ups, tricep Dips (on low wall), Dragon walk push ups (same side leg and arm close), Dead bug, Donkey kick, Dirty dog (like Fire Hydrant but also extend leg straight to side)

  • E: Eight-count push ups, Eight-count body builders; Extensions (Hip Extensions in Plank position), Elevated back lunge (lunge backward off a curb), back Extensions, Ear push-ups (hands near ears), knee-to-Elbow squats

  • F: Flutter kicks, Frozen v-sit, Finger tip push-up; Fire-hydrants, Frog Pump

  • G: Grand plié, Gallop, Glute bridges (on back, one leg up with hip up), Glute bridge open (glute bridge with both feet down, then open knees)

  • H: Half sit-ups, Hand-to-toe sit ups, Hip thruster, marvin Hagglers, Hanging knee-to-elbow pull-ups, Hip-ups (on back), High-5 jump squats (with buddy), Hollow body hold, Hover plank (plank on elbows), glute bridge Hold

  • I: incline push-ups, incline sit-ups, Iron Mikes, Inchworm, Isometric wipers

  • J: Jack knives, Jumping jacks, the Jerk (backward skip)

  • K: flutter Kicks, jack Knives, Knee-ups (at pull-up bar), Knees-to-chest hold, Kick butt (run kicking own backside), squat Kick

  • L: Leg levers, Lunges, L-sit (sit in L and push up on hands), Lateral lunge, Lateral lift (lie on side with hips straight up then lift straight leg)

  • M: Marvin hagglers, iron Mikes, Mountain climbers

  • N: jack kNives, Narrow-stance squats (hold on to pole or fence)

  • O: Oblique sit-ups (ankle on knee), Open/close (on back, open/close legs), One-legged hops, One-legged squats,  One-legged bear crawls, Overhead squat (squat holding arms overhead)

  • P: Plank, Push-ups, Plank push-ups (from elbows to hands and back), Pocket push-ups (hands down near pockets), Pistol squats (at barre), Push-offs (standing, push off a wall or bar)

  • Q: Quarter-turn hop squats, Quiet hops, Quick leap (up/off obstacle)

  • R: Running in place, chase the Rabbits, Reverse crunch (on back, hands at sides, legs like crunch > raise bent knees up to chin/over head; no momentum), Reach push-ups (with partner, do push up then reach out for partners hand), Russian twist (sit like in atomic holding a ball, side to side, 4 count), Regular sit-ups, Regular push-ups, Royal burpees, ‘Rm circles, Relevé standing hagglers (standing haggler with calf raise), Reverse lunge

  • S: Side benders, Side plank, Sitting knee benders, Sit ups, Superman, Spiderman, Sideways bear crawls, Speed lunges, high-knee Skip, Squats, Squat kicks, Star jumps, Step-ups (on low wall), Single-leg burpee, Single-leg glute bridge, Skater exercise (like alternating crossover lunge but with little hop), Side step-ups (on low wall), Squat with knee-press out (hold squat & push knees out with elbows), Squat side benders (hold squat position and do side benders)

  • T: Tricep push-ups, russian Twists, step-up Toe-taps (like step up but don’t come all the way down), Traveling burpee, Tin man, T-rotation push-up (go all the way down and make T with arms), Toe-touch crunches, Typewriter push-up (down position of push up, go side to side), Toe Taps (crunch position then tap toes, one at a time)

  • U: sit-Ups, push-Ups, Up-Up & Away (2 squats then 1 star jump); [or say U-choose for the letter U in acronym]

  • V: V-Sit (hold), Vertical open/close (open/close in sitting position), Vertical tap (jump to tap object), [hand-to-toe sit ups (because it looks like the letter V)]

  • W: Wide grip push-up, Walking lunge (try with back leg extension too), Wall push-ups, Windshield wipers, around-the-Worlds (high planks or lunges)

  • X: X-up (like hand to toe but alternating toes), [ jumping-jacks or criss-cross (because they looks like the letter X)]

  • Y: Yo-Yo (all fours then knee forward, then knee straight back, then straight leg out to side, then back to leg straight out position then knee forward position again; repeat in 4-count), Yoga (downward dog), Y'd grip push-ups, Yoke squats (with sandbags or weights), [open/close (because they looks like the letter Y)]

  • Z: zig-zag (around bollards/posts)

Exercises By Groupings

When planning an evolution, these exercises may work well together or have a similar “theme”:

  • Travelling Exercises: Grapevine, Side Shuffle, High-knee Skip, Gallop, The Jerk (backward skip), Kick Butt, Run Backwards, Tin Man

  • Standing "S"s: Squats, Star-jumps, Side-lunges, Side-benders, Standing hagglers, Squat kicks, Skaters

  • Exercises with Buddy: Back Extensions, Side Crunches, Incline Sit-ups, Dips, Push-overs (lay on back with legs straight up, buddy pushes legs away)

  • Hanging Exercises (at pull-up bars): Regular Knee-Ups, Twisting Knee-Ups (alternate twisting to each side on way up), Hurdle Knee-Ups (lift knees from side to side like trying to clear a hurdle underneath); Running Man (straight legs like running); Pull-String Puppet (straight legs to the side)

  • Timed Exercises (30 seconds, one-minute, two-minute): Sit-ups, Push-ups, High-Knee Running-In-Place

  • Calf Raises: Toes-in, Toes-out, Toes-Straight Ahead

  • Holding Exercises: Push-up position, plank, side plank, back plank, squat, standing open clamshell, lunge